My Thoughts on Religion and How to be Free From It

Religion has, since ages, remained an important part of man's life and more amusing is the fact that, even in this age of Science and Technology, where man has invented and discovered so much and is in a situation, where he can answer pretty much everything based on Science, the religious strong hold still exists. This is a great example of how beautifully our brains have been conditioned to accept certain established norms without questioning. The brain conditioning starts, right from the time a child is born and as he grows up with it, he tends to accept all of it and doesn't bother questioning unless he is prompted to do so. This type of conditioning of the brain, is very bad as it narrows down the brain to a huge extent. Man is never able to think beyond this conditioning and never tends to question the things he does. This narrow minded attitude, which is the result of religious conditioning, is pretty much responsible for all the suffering, wars, fights, hatred and other bad things happening in this world at present. So it becomes very important that we make an active effort to come out of this conditioning. It is indeed worth giving a thought. Just think for a little while and you will realize how religion has changed this world. Religion holds the world in shackles.


Unknown said...

nicely said.

If you want to learn more wisit

smita rajan said...

I believe humanism comes before religion. If our conduct is not humane then we do not know the meaning of religion. Religion by any chance is not related to chanting hymns and offering prayers, it is better understood by your good deeds towards humankind.

Well, I should better tell you about Made in Heaven. Your interpretation did not match my thought line. It is just that marriages that were once known as the result of divine intervention have turned to be a game of many. They have no regards for this nexus. This is basically a comment on the way the marriages are turning into bad relationships and people move ahead to others without any regrets. You can find many examples around.